Outcome Based Education


Education For The New World Order

The Hand That Rocks The Cradle Rules The World
       Common Core, No Child Left Behind, Race To The Top, Goals 2000, School To Work are all feel-good names for so-called “education” programs which all  are directed toward the same goal: education for the New World Order.  What they are really doing is indoctrinating aka brainwashing kids to be compliant, docile sheeple who will never question what they’ve been told, nor ever contemplate resisting their “programming”.
             Most people think the term New World Order is just some meaningless dribble some conspiracy theorist said. They think there is nothing to see or to worry about, just ignore it. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is something to see and something to worry about.
       Education  indoctrination is the key to success in turning the world upside down.  In his novel 1984 George Orwell wrote “Ignorance is strength”, and indeed it is. As your ignorance grows, so does their strength. He also wrote “Freedom is Slavery”.  They  (The NWO aka the moneychangers and their lackeys), have been using education to forge the chains of your bondage one link at a time, for a very long time.
 Voltaire said, ” It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.”
All the links below will give you much insight into what is and has been happening for decades.  In fact, the plan to dumb down the populace started in the 1890’s. I know that is hard to believe, but the people behind this (follow the money) and their front men work at a snail’s pace, otherwise you’d slice their throats and they know it. They stealthily plod along and before you know it, you have a population of ignoramuses who believe anything they are told, without question.
      I really suggest you take the time to watch these videos.  Daily we are all impacted by “education” or the lack thereof. No one is immune from the effects of an ignorant populace – no one.
Treason Part 1 UNESCO Lifelong learning model
 Treason Part 2 UNESCO workforce training
Treason- Pt 3 UNESCO- Change Agents
Treason Pt 4 UNESCO – Charter Schools
Treason Pt 5 UNESCO Insect Society
 The “Common Core” Con job
Math Education An Inconvenient Truth  Watch her demonstrate the ludicrous way they pretend to teach math. No wonder cashiers can no longer make change.
 Common Core Social Justice Indoctrination  How they teach kids to use emotion to manipulate rather than facts to educate.
Common Core no literature need apply  Let’s read indoctrination manuals instead.
 Watch the video below to see an example of a Common Core math question (4 minutes)


 Common Core    Because they are purposefully  using tactics to make it impossible for children to easily grasp concepts,  i.e. learn, they are screwing with your kids psyche. Next step they’ll say your kid needs psychiatric drugs Look here
 People v. Educational Confederacy UNESCO
Jed Brown-Behavior Conditioning
Jed Brown Paradigm Shift change fundamentals
The war for your child’s mind
Communism in schools
Educators speak out   I had several of these educators on my radio show.  To listen to them search for:  Charlotte Thomson Iserbyte, Samuel Blumenfeld, Karl Priest, Beverly Eckman.
 Who really owns the main stream media?
The Big Green Help Green Team Toolkit
UNESCO what is it really?
No American Left Alone!
Mastery Learning
 Multiculturalism A Prescription for Moral Anarchy
Charlotte Iserbyt Maine’s Assault On Education
 Charlotte Iserbyte
The Delphi Technique
Hegelian Dialectic
International Baccalaureate
The Dirty Little Secret of School Choice
The Rockefeller/Heritage Connection
The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America
Re-creating America must watch
 Education Action Group
John Taylor Gatto
American Heritage Research
ED Watch
Education Liberty Watch
Trivium Method of Critical Thinking
The Intelligent Student’s Guide
to the New World Order
Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education Watch these videos for a complete history of education and what is happening in our schools today!
Indoctrinate U What really happens to your kid in college.
Chronology of Education
Go to www.americandeception.com and look at the documents under “education”.